2009年2月18日 星期三

更新-新增網頁1-Wed Feb 18 04:06:01 PST 2009

新增網頁1'Alternative' Medicine Is Mainstream The evidence is mounting that diet and lifestyle are the best cures for our worst afflictions.替代療法將成為主流研究顯示:飲食和生活型態將會是我們抵抗煩惱和折磨的最佳良藥By DEEPAK CHOPRA , DEAN ORNISH , RUSTUM ROY and ANDREW WEILIn mid-February, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences and the Bravewell Collaborative are convening a "Summit on Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public." This is a watershed in the evolution of integrative medicine, a holistic approach to health care that uses the best of conventional and alternative therapies such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture and herbal remedies. Many of these therapies are now scientifically documented to be not only medically effective but also cost effective.     在二月中旬,美國國家科學院醫學研究所和布萊威爾整合醫學組織合作召開"中西醫結合與國民健康高峰會",其所討論的議題為一整合醫學演進上的分水嶺:利用傳統和替代療法,例如禪修、瑜伽、針灸和草藥的優點來截長補短,達到更全面性的醫療保健。
